Thursday, 11 July 2019

Copenhagen - Day 2 AM

After a good breakfast (continental but with a few hot items) we headed out fairly early intending to catch then 0930 tourist boat for a 1hr cruise along the river and canals.  

We caught the Metro train this time, which is fairly deep underground with long escalators.

Most flights of steps we came across cater for the cyclist, with ramps at the side to wheel your bike up.

The train carriages are also specially designed to carry bikes.

Having got ourselves fairly well lost, although still within 1/2km of where we wanted to be, we finally got there in time for the 1030 sailing.  This lovely building is the 17th century  stock exchange and as you can see the skies were fairly menacing so as the boat was uncovered we bought a couple of cheap plastic capes in case the heavens opened.

Some views from the river and canals.

This is part of an illegal water village and will be removed later in the year.

This building is a converted torpedo hangar.

The area near to the Little Mermaid is a navy zone so access is restricted.  Look how choppy it is - no wonder the pictures are a little fuzzy!

Newly finished waste recycling plant with a ski slope on its roof.

Statues are everywhere in Copenhagen, but it's not always clear what they are supposed to represent.

Ian was dead right to walk us to the Little Mermaid statue last night as only the backside is visible from the water and the place was heaving with tourists.

The Marble Church again.

Waterside yoga, presumably the blankets were necessary to stop muscles being pulled as it was very cold and windy.

Several of the bridges can open to accommodate tall vessels.

On the opposite side of the water to the main city is the Christiansholm District with rather exclusive water front apartments and moorings.

Our Saviour's Church twisted spire has a total of 400 steps, 150 on the outside - we didn't have time to visit but it's probably one of those places that is better being viewed from a distance.

The Round Bridge was rather attractive but annoyingly people in front kept getting excited and standing up.

The Blox Building has recently been voted Copenhagen's least favourite modern building - ironically it's the home of the Danish Architecture Centre.

The beautifully restored Marble Bridge which has survived two fires (who knew marble could burn?)

And at the end of the tour back to the Christiansborg.

Luckily we didn't get wet!